Show Date Created in Google Drive.

Show Date Created in Google Drive.

Google Drive is having file synchronization problems. When synchronizing the google drive files, the modification date of the documents is changing which can be something that affects the workflow. The temporary solution that our Compudile team finds to be able to organize the documents by date is to see the documents by creation date since this is not being modified. To do this we must follow the following steps:

The first thing we must do is open windows explorer if we do not have it open and place ourselves in the folder of Google Drive where we have the documents and other folders.

  • Verify that we have the view in details mode, for this, we are going to click on the option View ¹ and then on Details ².

  • In the Column Headers bar ³ we are going to right-click and then select the option Date Created ⁴.

  • To sort by creation date we click on Date Created ⁵ and we can alternate between ascending or descending order. We can also move the creation date by pressing the click and without releasing it, move to the left or right and place it in the desired position.

  • The next step is to save the changes so that they are reflected in other folders, for we are going to click on Options ⁶ in the upper right part of the View options. In the new window that is shown to us, we select the View tab ⁷ and then we click on Apply to Folders ⁸ we click on yes in the message window that shows us and then we click on the OK button ⁹ to save the changes in all the folders that meet the same characteristics.

Note: It may be the case that some folders do not show the Date Created, all we have to do is repeat the previous procedure in this folder.

Here we leave 4 images that graphically show the steps to follow.



